Copyright is held by the author.
Up north,
mud season,
grey sky,
rain all day,
rubber boot tracks
abandoned garage
surrounded by rusty
car hulks,
windows busted,
pinup calendar
folks gather at the diner,
the only one in town
so no name required,
men in orange
pack pickups
with weaponry and beer,
cross bridge
onto a misty forest road,
for a day’s hunting,
with high-powered rifles,
plenty of ammunition,
and licenses
to kill and not be killed,
a privilege not extended
to their targets.
John Grey is an Australian poet, U.S. resident, recently published in Stand, Santa fe Literary Review, and Sheepshead Review. His latest books, Between Two Fires, Covert and Memory Outside The Head are available through Amazon. He has work upcoming in the McNeese Review, La Presa and California Quarterly.