What our contributors have to say:
“I was working on a writing exercise — one of which fast fiction based on a daydream. I started in one direction — the voices took over and it went somewhere else entirely. The next step was send it out. I had heard of CommuterLit through one of Brian Henry’s courses, so I sent this story in and after a short pause — wait for it —it was accepted! While I had previously written articles for local newspapers, there is still something wonderful (and heart-hammering) about that first acceptance of your fiction writing. It’s out there now! I even bravely shared the links with my friends, family, co-workers who provided enough positive feedback to give me confidence to keep writing and submitting. CommuterLit has since accepted two additional stories and the cycle repeats and my confidence continues to grow. Send it in — is great advice. Send it to CommuterLit — even better.” —Linda Hillman
“CommuterLit wasn’t my first publisher, but I’m proud that it’s the first market I think of and I’ve had over 15 pieces published here. Moreover, I introduced members of our writing group here to their success. Keep up the great work!” —Walter Giersbach
“My first two stories were published online back in 2004 (after two-three years the website was taken down). After a gap of about 10 years — life challenges like paid work, raising a teenager as a sole parent, health, condition, etc. — I submitted my first story to Commuterlit and it was accepted. It felt like a first acceptance! Two more followed, for which I have always been grateful. It gave me more confidence to start submitting more widely, so a huge kickstart to my writing. Many, many thanks, and I hope it will encourage others who might be thinking ‘I can’t possibly expose my work to scrutiny’, which is the way I used to think! I’ve been published elsewhere now (eg see below) and I can take rejections in my stride too .” —Moira Garland (Read her latest published poem, “Son” )
“CL was the first place I submitted work and where I received my first acceptance, on my first try. That was ‘Euston Station’. It remains my only online publishing outlet but I have now also had articles published in our local newspaper, The Niagara Advance. From your rejections of my work I learned the difference between pieces written for myself, as opposed to crafting work into a story that others could follow. The experience of having work put out in the world broke the eggshell in my mind about sharing what I have written. This spurred me on to finish a book which I self published on Amazon. So CL helped push me forward in a big way.” —Richard West
“I’ve recommended your site to aspiring writers in a number of writing groups. You selected my first story, ‘Rudolf’, and that was great encouragement. And your critiques for a few of my stories I was having trouble with were bang on. I learned that a story needs to provide a compelling read and to provide the reader a payback and how my efforts fell short. A writer needs honest, unvarnished, thoughtful critique and that’s often impossible to find from friends or even the best writer’s groups. Besides, the editor needs to be competent and your comments were excellent.” —Norm Rosolen
We cannot offer payment to writers, but what we can offer is exposure for both up-and-coming and established writers, wishing to promote their latest work. We’re making an all-out effort to reach readers from the book publishing industry: literary agents, booksellers, editors, publicists, company owners, marketing managers and book media in North America to start, and then around the English-speaking world.
As well, each writer with an accepted submission can post a mini-profile on the CommuterLit.com Author’s page, with a link out to his or her own website or publisher’s website (link back to CommuterLit.com and we’ll generate even more readers for everyone).
Don’t forget our eWeekly newsletter, highlighting the next week’s stories and poems and their authors. It will be sent to an extensive reader and media list, so that each of our writers has a chance to shine.
Find out about CommuterLit.com‘s Submission Guidelines
Find out about CommuterLit.com‘s Editorial and Critique Services