About Us

cell-phone-iconCommuterLit.com is an ezine for readers like you — smart, interested in the world and on the go. CommuterLit.com posts a new short story, novel excerpt or poem each day from Monday to Friday, specially formatted to read on a mobile device (smart phones, iPads, Blackberries). Of course, you can also access the stories and poems from the CommuterLit.com website at any time.

Our focus is on works of fiction or poetry that can be enjoyed during a 20- to 30-minute public-transit commute to work. And because we know your taste in reading material is varied and sophisticated, we plan to surprise you by selecting samples of not only literary fiction, but sci fi, fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller, romance and experimental combinations thereof.

Spice up your daily reading. Sign up to our Twitter feed for daily notices of our new offering, and also sign up for our eWeekly email newsletter (sent every Monday) highlighting the upcoming week’s stories and authors. You can also read stories and poems posted in our Archives and categorized by genre (see the sidebar).


CommuterLit.com is published in Toronto, Canada, by award-winning writer and editor Nancy Kay Clark. Nancy has worked with both non-fiction (magazine) and fiction writers in a career that spans 20 years. For more information about Nancy, click here.

CommuterLit.com’s IT Guy is Doug Bennet, who works for the Partnership Office of the City of Toronto’s Parks and Recreation Department and is lovin’ WordPress. Doug is also co-author of the popular Up North nature guide series. Visit UpNorthGuides.com.

If you spot a typo, drop us a line telling us about it and we’ll be sure to correct it.

Contact Us
Snail mail:
101 Fermanagh Ave.
Toronto ON M6R 1M1

Have a question? Drop us a line at: admin-at-commuterlit-dot-com.