CommuterLit editor/publisher
Blame the cynicism of the times we live in, or those Hallmark holiday movies that litter the landscape, but I’d really gone off holiday stories this year. I’d seen and read so many cheesy, feel-good, sentimental cliché-ridden holiday stories that I wondered if there was anything new or meaningful to say about the season. In last Monday’s newsletter, I challenged contributors to submit new non-cheesy holiday fare.
And they did! I stand corrected. I wasn’t going to post any holiday-themed stories during the week before Christmas, but I am now! Check back here on Monday, Dec. 13, for the first post.
Holiday Schedule
This year, CommuterLit will be on holidays between Monday, Dec. 20, 2021 and Monday, Jan. 10, 2022. The January critique group meetings will take place the week we’re back.
Contributor News
What does it take to make or break a lasting friendship? And what if only a memory remains? Find out in Pauline Shen’s flash fiction “Glycerine,” published in Dreamer’s Creative Writing Magazine issue 10.