FRIDAY NOTES & NEWS: Finding (Other) Places to Submit your Work

LOOKING FOR places to submit your work (other than CL)? Googling individual magazine and book publishers, not to mention literary agents, can be time consuming. If you are looking for a more efficient way to search try these resources:

1. Submittable — the submission service many magazines and book publishers use (including CL), also has services for individual writers. You can create a free account and have access to a searchable database of publishers. The home page for writers lists publications by deadline; but you can search by other criteria. You can sign up for its e-newsletter as well.

2. Duotrope — there is an annual subscription fee for this service, but it’s quite reasonable and most English-language magazine and book publishers across the globe are in Duotrope’s database. It also has a growing list of agents. You can search a publisher by genre, subgenre, pay range, word count, acceptance rate — the list is very detailed. Weekly newsletters let you know about submission deadlines and themes.

3. Magazines Canada — the industry association, has a membership directory, which includes literary titles, on its website. 

4. Authors Publish — this magazine and site will try to sell you all sorts of how-to-get-published guides, but it does have a good free e-newsletter that often lists new literary magazines and submission deadlines.

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