MONDAY: alone #2 & I write because #4


Copyright is held by the author.

alone #2

Alone in my garret
staring at the computer
I enter my thoughts

a sea of words
phrases and unconnected ideas
float past me

as I sit at my screen
taunting me to fill
all the blank spaces

create something unique
heretofore unknown to the world

or is that pretentious nonsense

am I just kidding myself
or will I break through
discover something


I write because #4

I write because
b  e  c  a  u  s  e
I am an explorer

hacking my way through
a jungle of words
always seeking
hoping to discover

subtle new meanings
for well worn lyrics
to refresh them
with new clothes
a new coat of paint

  1. Reminds me of someone I know!
    Well done.
    Keith N.

  2. Nice images of the jungle

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