by Gale Copeland
Paperback: $11.99
The Price of Loyalty told the story of two teenaged boys who left their home in New Jersey and trekked to Canada to find a place where United Empire Loyalists would be welcome. Now, the War of 1812 is about to begin, and the Cooper boys are men with families of their own. They must once again take up arms and fight against the United States in order to keep their land. Samuel Cooper leaves his wife and young children to fend for themselves while he is off fighting with the local militia. During a period when Upper Canada was controlled by the US military, the Cooper home is seized by the enemy and used as a surgical hospital. Sixteen-year-old Lizzie finds herself in the exhausting and terrifying position of nurse, cook, mother and caregiver. As the weeks pass, she experiences death and despair and the knowledge that her life will be changed forever. Will she be able to reconcile her growing affection for the army surgeon with her anger toward her family’s circumstances?