FRIDAY NOTES & NEWS: Changes to Contributor Pages

As of next week (May 23 – 27) CommuterLit will no longer post new contributor pages — we will simply include the author pic and bio in the daily post. We’re doing this because, quite frankly, we have so many contributor pages on the site it’s difficult to search for specific ones using the site menu. 

Now, when editor Nancy Kay Clark accepts a submission for posting, she will ask everyone — including returning contributors to send a 150-word-maximum — bio, plus pic and links. 

Because, we know that many contributors like to list all their previous publications (with links) on their contributor pages and won’t be able to in the new shorter bios, we will relaunch our dormant Bookstore page on the site and give everyone the opportunity to list their publications (chapbooks; anthologies; self-published and traditionally published books) there.

Have a book you would like to include on our Bookstore page? Send the editor, a 100-word promo, cover shot and link to buy.

The existing contributor pages will stay on the site as long as the contributors’ stories and poems are in our archives; once they are deleted, corresponding contributor’s pages will also be deleted.

Victoria Day Holiday
CommuterLit will be taking the Victoria Day holiday, Monday, May 23 off. Our next newsletter and our first post next week will be on Tuesday, May 24.

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