WEDNESDAY: He Took Her to the Shore


Copyright is held by the author.

True love —
That is all she ever wanted
She walked through life looking for the right signs

That he had brought her to the shore
Beyond the midnight hour, beneath the black sky
To lie with her wrapped in his horsehair-blanket — (check)

That his slow breaths synchronized with hers —
Both in rhythm with the heaving ocean waves — (check)

That as he lay beside her
His dangling, golden dreadlocks
Tickled her face like tangles of seaweed
Causing both of them to giggle uncontrollably — (check)

That his skin was as smooth as velvet
Even though caked with the finest grains of sand —
His caresses so gentle — (check)

That he had led her to this isolated shore
So far removed from other breathing beings
To strip her soul bare
To have her aching for his touch — (check)

That he interrupted the sweetest of kisses
To tell her that he loved her and then
To place a mint chocolate on her tongue — (check, check)

That he had brought her here to this beach
On what was the coldest of February nights —
Well, she would cut him some slack on that

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